organisasi pembelajaran, teori, realita.Abstract
Organisasi pembelajaran merupakan konsep terbaru dalam khasanah perkembangan
teori organisasi. Konsep ini akan menggeser konsep-konsep lama seperti konsep
management by objective (MBO), perencanaan strategik atau berbagai praktek yang
diterapkan di Jepang seperti lingkaran kualitas yang diterapkan secara luas pada
tahun 1980-an. Organisasi pembelajaran ini tidak hanya sebatas teori, tetapi didukung
oleh realita empiris dari berbagai hasil penelitian dan praktek. Praktek penerapan
organsiasi pembelajaran telah dikembangkan sejak tahun 1990-an. Untuk menjadi
organisasi pembelajaran, diperlukan lima disiplin, yaitu: keahlian pribadi (personal
mastery), model-model mental (mental models), visi bersama (shared vision),
pembelajaran tim (team learning), berpikir sistem (system thinking).
Kata Kunci: organisasi pembelajaran, teori, realita.
Learning organization is the latest concept in the repertoire development
organization theory. This concept will shift the old concepts such as the
concept of management by objectives (MBO), strategic planning or practices
applied in Japan as quality circles which are widely applied in the 1980s.
Learning organization is not merely a theory, but supported by empirical reality
of a variety of research and practice. Organsiasi practical application of
learning has been developed since the 1990s. To become a learning
organization, needed five disciplines, namely: personal skills (personal
mastery), mental models (mental models), a shared vision (shared vision),
learning team (team learning), systems thinking (systems thinking).
Keywords: organizational learning, theory, reality.