Penerapan Teknologi Informasi Dan Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIM RS) Terhadap Kegiatan Administrasi Di Rumah Sakit Risa Sentra Medika Mataram
manajemen, Rumah sakitAbstract
The application of Information Technology and Management is a transfer of technology from a manual system to computerization due to administrative demands in the form of large amounts of data and wide coverage, large data calculations, speed and timeliness and minimization of physical contact between people (Prokes Covid 19). administrative quality with the application and utilization of Information Technology and computer-based management. Thus, the quality of information provision and data transformation can be fast, accurate and up to date. It can be seen from the results of the study in the comparison between before and after the application of the RS SIM application that it turns out that after the application of the RS SIM is more significant. In addition, work effectiveness and efficiency will be achieved, this will have an impact on improving the quality and performance of Risa Sentra Medika Hospital. Given the importance of this, the Risa Sentra Medika Hospital Management Team has implemented an application program that facilitates the exchange of information between Divisions or between Departments of Risa Sentra Medika Hospital. This application program is called SIM RS (Hospital Management Information System). Starting from this, the research conducted wanted to find out about the Application of Information Technology and Management of Administrative Activities at Risa Sentra Medika Hospital, Mataram. It turns out that after the application of the RS SIM application was implemented, administrative activities were better and significant.
Keywords: Information Technology, Hospital Management, Administration.
Penerapan Teknologi Informasi dan Manajemen adalah sesuatu alih teknologi dari sistem manual ke arah komputerisasi karena tuntutan administrasi berupa jumlah data yang besar dan cakupan yang luas, perhitungan data yang banyak, kecepatan dan ketepatan waktu dan minimalisasi kontak fisik antar manusia (Prokes Covid 19), maka diupayakan peningkatan kualitas administrasi dengan penerapan dan pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Manajemen berbasis komputer. Sehingga, kualitas penyediaan informasi serta tranformasi data dapat cepat, akurat dan up to date. Tampak pada hasil penelitian pada perbandingan perbandingan antara sebelum penerapan dan setelah penerapan aplikasi SIM RS ternyata setelah penerapan SIM RS lebih significant. Di samping itu efektifitas dan efisiensi kerja akan tercapai, ini akan berdampak pada peningkatan mutu dan performance Rumah Sakit Risa Sentra Medika. Mengingat akan pentingnya hal tersebut Tim Management RS Risa Sentra Medika telah menerapkan program aplikasi yang memudahkan pertukaran informasi antar Divisi atau antar Departemen RS Risa Sentra Medika. Program Aplikasi ini disebut dengan SIM RS (Sistem Informasi Management Rumah Sakit). Bertitik tolak dari hal tersebut, penelitian yang dilakukan ingin mengetahui tentang Penerapan Teknologi Informasi dan Manajemen terhadap kegiatan Administrasi di RS Risa Sentra Medika Mataram. Ternyata setelah diterapkannya aplikasi SIM RS kegiatan administrasi lebih baik dan significant.
Kata Kunci: Teknologi Informasi, Manajemen Rumahsakit, Administrasi.
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