Intensitas Kemitraan, Orientasi Kewirausahaan, Peran Pemerintah, Modal Sosial dan daya saing produkAbstract
This study aims to prove the determinants of the competitiveness of virginia tobacco products in Sakra Timur District, East Lombok Regency. "How is the influence of Partnership Intensity, Entrepreneurship Orientation, Government Role and Social Capital on the competitiveness of virginia tobacco products in Sakra Timur District, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province?" The place for this research was conducted in Gelanggang Village, Sakra Timur District, East Lombok Regency. The research location was determined using a simple random method (random method). The number of samples used in this study were 55 partner farmers obtained by simple random method. The analytical tool to test the hypotheses proposed in this study uses the t test previously carried out by the F test and the R Sguare value to see the feasibility of the research model.
The results of this research can prove that the intensity of the partnership on the competitiveness of virginia tobacco products, the results of this study indicate that the H1 hypothesis is rejected and the hypothesis H0 is accepted. Entrepreneurship orientation towards the competitiveness of virginia tobacco products, the results of this study indicate that the hypothesis H2 is rejected and accepts the hypothesis H0. The role of the government on the competitiveness of virginia tobacco products, the results of this study indicate that accepting hypothesis H3 and hypothesis H0 is rejected. Social Capital on the competitiveness of virginia tobacco products, the results of this study indicate that accepting hypothesis H4 and hypothesis H0 is rejected.
Keyword: Partnership Intensity, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Government Role, Social Capital and product competitiveness
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan faktor penentu daya saing produk tembakau virginia di Kecamatan Sakra Timur Kabupaten Lombok Timur. “Bagaimanakah pengaruh Intensitas Kemitraan, Orientasi Kewirausahaan, Peran Pemerintah dan Modal Sosial terhadap daya saing produk tembakau virginia di Kecamatan Sakra Timur Kabupaten Lombok Timur Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat?” Tempat dilakukan penelitian ini di Desa Gelanggang Kecamatan Sakra Timur Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Penentuan lokasi penelitian menggunakan metode acak sederhana (metode random). Jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 55 petani mitra yang diperoleh dengan cara random sederhana. Alat analisis untuk menguji hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji t yang sebelumnya dilakukan pengujian F dan nilai R Sguare untuk melihat kelayakan model penelitian.
Hasil penelitian dapat membuktikan bahwa intensitas kemitraan terhadap daya saing produk tembakau virginia, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan menyimpulkan hipotesis H1 ditolak dan menerima hipotesis H0. Orientasi Kewirausahaan terhadap daya saing produk tembakau virginia, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan menyimpulkan bahwa hipotesis H2 ditolak dan menerima hipotesis H0. Peran Pemerintah terhadap daya saing produk tembakau virginia, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan menyimpulkan bahwa menerima hipotesis H3 dan hipotesis H0 ditolak. Modal Sosial terhadap daya saing produk tembakau virginia, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan menyimpulkan bahwa menerima hipotesis H4 dan hipotesis H0 ditolak.
Keyword: Intensitas Kemitraan, Orientasi Kewirausahaan, Peran Pemerintah, Modal Sosial dan daya saing produk
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