Menjaga Lingkungan Harmonis Dengan Cara Budidaya Maggot
Maggot, Organic Waste, Environmentally FriendlyAbstract
The community has not been able to process household waste into something useful. Less environmentally friendly because there is still a lot of household waste scattered in irrigation canals. Community service in Jerowaru Village can provide solutions so that the community can process household waste disposal to increase environmental friendliness by socializing maggot cultivation as waste treatment. The service method is carried out by observing the village environment, collaboration with the village government for outreach. The socialization activities carried out include maggot potential, maggot advantages, production, shape and anatomy, and the maggot cycle. The result of this service is that with maggot cultivation, the community is aware that it is important to keep the environment clean and the irrigation flow is no longer clogged with organic waste such as vegetables, fruit peels and the like. The socialization of maggot cultivation is able to provide community views regarding business and potential for fish, shrimp and bird feed.